I saw this picture the other day of my husband and myself taken when I was 33. I saw myself in that picture and I thought, look at that girl, that beautiful skin. Look at those cheekbones. Look how young and fresh she looks ( and thin) . And at the time I thought none of those things about myself. I hated having my picture taken. That made me think about now. I still hate having my picture taken. I’m extremely critical of the woman I see in the picture, something I would never do to someone else’s picture. I find fault with everything in every picture of me. And they're me. They're just me!
Is it easy for you ? If it is, how did you convince yourself that who you are is really precious and special, because I want to be better at that. I believe those things about me but not the image of me.
Some day my grandchildren are going to be very disappointed that there’s not very many pictures of their maw maw and I’m the one who would have caused it.
I didn’t mention this so that people would say
“ oh no Pam I love your pictures blah blah blah”
This is a flaw that I need to work on. I want to live my best life and hiding from pictures isn’t the best!!
Earlier I said to myself I would take a picture of me everyday in June until I was finally ready to post one
But instead, in true Pam fashion I instead shot a reel for Instagram announcing this blog post. Rip the bandaid off!!!
I think my point of the whole post is everyone one of us is beautiful in our own version of beautiful .
We can’t enjoy being femme d’un certain age if we’re hiding. Embrace this beautiful chapter of life and live the heck out of it!!!